Hello there, let me first apologize if someone did mention this before here. I did the searching and found nothing, so I thought myself that this would be a nice thing to share. It is about "secret" manual video mode in K-5. I did not know this till today and - it seems to be pretty awesome. The tutorial is not mine, but let me explain it to you in my words. So in default K-5 video mode you can control your aperture and exposure compensation (WB and other stuff) - and that's it - compared to other cameras like Canons and Nikons this pretty much sucks isn't it?! But there is a workaround how to control the ISO and the shutter speed as well. This might be handy when shooting e.g. on green background and you want to avoid motion blur caused by fast movements. Here are the simple steps: You have to use one of the USER modes - set it to Av and tweak your exposure settings. When done - press the AE-L button - this will lock your exposure settings. Keep it locked and then just switch to the video mode - the exposure settings will remain locked. Start shooting and enjoy your manual settings Limits: ISO must me 3200 at maximum and shutter speed must be at least 1/25 or 1/30 depending on the video format you chose. Happy shooting and for those who did know that - don't call me captain obvious, I was pretty happy when found this. Cheers.